Gajeel's team visit a hot spring owned by Blue Pegasus, where Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki reveals that Laxus and the Thunder Legion have joined his guild, ruining Gajeel's surprise for the others. Meanwhile, Brandish demonstrates her tremendous power by expanding and then shrinking Caracol Island's landmass as a warning to Natsu's team, informing them of Makarov's safety. Mest transports the group to an underwater submarine piloted by their informant from Crime Sorcière, former Oración Seis member Sorano Aguria, who takes them to Makarov's location. In the imperial capital of Vistarion, Makarov witnesses the return of Alvarez's ruler, Emperor Spriggan, whom he discovers to be Zeref. After revealing his knowledge of Lumen Histoire's real name, Fairy Heart, Zeref attempts to kill Makarov to provoke Natsu's anger, but Mest rescues Makarov and reunites him with Natsu's team.